Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises LLC
February 8, 2023-March 9, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Become a Butcher
February 8, 2023-March 9, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Become a Butcher
Photo by Iñigo De la Maza on Unsplash
Let's be honest here: if you like meat, you've thought about this at some point! Being a butcher is not for the faint of heart, though; nor is it for weaklings! Yes, in case you are unaware, meat comes from animals, and in order for you or me - or anyone or any other creature, for that matter - to eat that meat, the animal has to die. Your hamburger came from a living cow at some point (unless it is truly just processed fake crap in that patty, which could be the case in some "meat" patties these days!). I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence here, but I've been amazed in the past by some of the answers I've gotten from students who simply didn't realize, most often out of pure innocence and naiveté on their parts, that the meat on their plate once came from a living, breathing animal. I'm just saying, to clarify, for the record. No, I'm not a vegetarian. Yes, I support humane animal husbandry and humane slaughter. No, I don't have problems with people being vegan/vegetarian.
Now back to the point! As a butcher, of course you can work for a supermarket, slaughterhouse, or other large scale meat processing operation. Opening your own independent butchery is also an option and an avenue I like to encourage here through Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises LLC, as I support humane slaughter. Butchery is considered a skilled trade, and there are clock-hours and even certificates and diplomas you can earn towards your career ranking as a professional butcher. Here are three select articles below from around the word (Wales, South Africa, and the U.S.A.) to give you an idea of what it might take for you to get started in butchery today:
Butcher - Skills and qualities (Wales-based)
Considering to Start your own Butchery? (South Africa-based)
How To Become a Butcher (U.S.A.-based)
Now back to the point! As a butcher, of course you can work for a supermarket, slaughterhouse, or other large scale meat processing operation. Opening your own independent butchery is also an option and an avenue I like to encourage here through Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises LLC, as I support humane slaughter. Butchery is considered a skilled trade, and there are clock-hours and even certificates and diplomas you can earn towards your career ranking as a professional butcher. Here are three select articles below from around the word (Wales, South Africa, and the U.S.A.) to give you an idea of what it might take for you to get started in butchery today:
Butcher - Skills and qualities (Wales-based)
Considering to Start your own Butchery? (South Africa-based)
How To Become a Butcher (U.S.A.-based)
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises LLC
January 10, 2022-February 7, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Own Your Own Website or Host Other People's Websites
You're going to need hosting....
Let's be honest, it's hard to discuss owning and operating a website without discussing hosting! Whether you're thinking of operating your own website, or you are looking at building and/or operating/maintaining websites for others, the topic of hosting is going to come up at some point - generally fairly early on! All websites need to be HOSTED somewhere! And, whether you're a novice or seasoned veteran, the ever-changing world of hosting can be its own daunting realm for many people. Thankfully, Digital.com has you covered! Their team of experts has spent thousands of hours testing and utilizing all the tools available on the market, then taking the best of what they have learned to create these guides below that break down web hosting so that anyone can easily understand how it works and find the host that best suits their needs. Check out everything you need to know but were afraid to ask (or never thought to ask!) about the basics of website hosting from Digital.com here:
January 10, 2022-February 7, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Own Your Own Website or Host Other People's Websites
You're going to need hosting....
Let's be honest, it's hard to discuss owning and operating a website without discussing hosting! Whether you're thinking of operating your own website, or you are looking at building and/or operating/maintaining websites for others, the topic of hosting is going to come up at some point - generally fairly early on! All websites need to be HOSTED somewhere! And, whether you're a novice or seasoned veteran, the ever-changing world of hosting can be its own daunting realm for many people. Thankfully, Digital.com has you covered! Their team of experts has spent thousands of hours testing and utilizing all the tools available on the market, then taking the best of what they have learned to create these guides below that break down web hosting so that anyone can easily understand how it works and find the host that best suits their needs. Check out everything you need to know but were afraid to ask (or never thought to ask!) about the basics of website hosting from Digital.com here:
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises LLC
September 22, 2022-January 10, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Jump into the Yard Care and Snow Removal industry with
Are you looking to break into the lawn care industry? "Sounds good, but what about the winters?" you ask. Snow removal! Or, if you live in a warmer climate you can cut grass all year long! What if you could leave insurance and bookings to the pros and focus your lawn care business on actually delivering your service - you know, giving lawns a perfect manicure! Well, in our 21st Century world, you can! In the words of LawnStarter: "We're like Uber for lawn care. Recurring, paying customers delivered to you at no cost. Claim only the jobs that work for you, do the work, and get paid weekly."
September 22, 2022-January 10, 2023
Featured Money Making Idea:
Jump into the Yard Care and Snow Removal industry with
Are you looking to break into the lawn care industry? "Sounds good, but what about the winters?" you ask. Snow removal! Or, if you live in a warmer climate you can cut grass all year long! What if you could leave insurance and bookings to the pros and focus your lawn care business on actually delivering your service - you know, giving lawns a perfect manicure! Well, in our 21st Century world, you can! In the words of LawnStarter: "We're like Uber for lawn care. Recurring, paying customers delivered to you at no cost. Claim only the jobs that work for you, do the work, and get paid weekly."
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises
October 18, 2020-September 22, 2022
Featured Money Making Idea:
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
Are you a designer looking for ways to get your product designs to market quickly and easily. While you may eventually want to build your own facilities and have your own people do it at some point (maybe), a great way in a pinch when you are just starting out is print-on-demand. Yeah, it's the same print-on-demand you've heard about before, for all you veterans out there reading this - it's nothing new here. Have a middle-man company print the design on a stock product which is then shipped directly to the customer. A great thing with print-on-demand is that YOU never have to personally handle inventory (unless you want to) - you can devote your entire time to design creation, curation, and promotion. While there are numerous print-on-demand companies out there today, here are some of the bigger, more trusted names in the industry showcased above.
October 18, 2020-September 22, 2022
Featured Money Making Idea:
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
Are you a designer looking for ways to get your product designs to market quickly and easily. While you may eventually want to build your own facilities and have your own people do it at some point (maybe), a great way in a pinch when you are just starting out is print-on-demand. Yeah, it's the same print-on-demand you've heard about before, for all you veterans out there reading this - it's nothing new here. Have a middle-man company print the design on a stock product which is then shipped directly to the customer. A great thing with print-on-demand is that YOU never have to personally handle inventory (unless you want to) - you can devote your entire time to design creation, curation, and promotion. While there are numerous print-on-demand companies out there today, here are some of the bigger, more trusted names in the industry showcased above.
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises (back when it was Biz Opp Empire)
August 9, 2020-October 18, 2020
Featured Money Making Idea:
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
Are you a digital freelance service provider? Is there a gig or other service you perform that you are looking to sell for money? Can you proofread papers? Design company logos? Make catchy videos? Write blog posts? Write books? Or do any number of other things with crisp, professional appeal? The possibilities are nearly endless (although, of course, there are some limits!). There are numerous gig/microjob websites out there these days e-freelancers can join which act as online marketplaces for digital freelancers to sell their services, here are three of the bigger, more established, "tried-and-true" ones for you to take a look at now and compare.
August 9, 2020-October 18, 2020
Featured Money Making Idea:
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
(External site - opens in a new window)
Are you a digital freelance service provider? Is there a gig or other service you perform that you are looking to sell for money? Can you proofread papers? Design company logos? Make catchy videos? Write blog posts? Write books? Or do any number of other things with crisp, professional appeal? The possibilities are nearly endless (although, of course, there are some limits!). There are numerous gig/microjob websites out there these days e-freelancers can join which act as online marketplaces for digital freelancers to sell their services, here are three of the bigger, more established, "tried-and-true" ones for you to take a look at now and compare.
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises (back when it was Biz Opp Empire)
Oct. 20, 2019-August 9, 2020
Featured Money Making Idea:
Franchise Gator
Looking to buy a franchise?
Discover franchises and
business opportunities
available today.
(External site - opens in a new window)
A "Mother Lode" specialty directory site, Franchise Gator offers information on a large selection of true traditionally-structured franchise and business opportunities to you with just a few clicks of your mouse or taps of your finger. With the wide variety of opportunities they showcase, there is something for almost everybody! In the company's very own words on their FAQs Page: "We are like a smaller, poorer Google for Franchising."
Oct. 20, 2019-August 9, 2020
Featured Money Making Idea:
Franchise Gator
Looking to buy a franchise?
Discover franchises and
business opportunities
available today.
(External site - opens in a new window)
A "Mother Lode" specialty directory site, Franchise Gator offers information on a large selection of true traditionally-structured franchise and business opportunities to you with just a few clicks of your mouse or taps of your finger. With the wide variety of opportunities they showcase, there is something for almost everybody! In the company's very own words on their FAQs Page: "We are like a smaller, poorer Google for Franchising."
Featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises (back when it was Biz Opp Empire)
Jan. 31, 2019-Oct. 20, 2019
Featured Money Making Idea:
Turnkey & Custom-Made Websites
and Premium Hosting
(External site - opens in a new window)
Browse their large selection of ready-to-go websites specifically designed to make money through a variety of channels. Don't see exactly what you're looking for? Work with them to have a custom site designed just for you. From aggregators, to blogs ,to affiliate sites, and more, Ahead! has a little bit of everything for the person looking to make money through a website.
They also offer hosting and and site maintenance.
Jan. 31, 2019-Oct. 20, 2019
Featured Money Making Idea:
Turnkey & Custom-Made Websites
and Premium Hosting
(External site - opens in a new window)
Browse their large selection of ready-to-go websites specifically designed to make money through a variety of channels. Don't see exactly what you're looking for? Work with them to have a custom site designed just for you. From aggregators, to blogs ,to affiliate sites, and more, Ahead! has a little bit of everything for the person looking to make money through a website.
They also offer hosting and and site maintenance.
The first Money Making Idea ever featured on Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises (back when it was Biz Opp Empire)
Circa fall 2017-Jan. 31, 2019
Featured Money Making Idea:
Case Escape
(External site - opens in a new window)
Create your own phone cases (with equipment - this is not dropshipping!)
Circa fall 2017-Jan. 31, 2019
Featured Money Making Idea:
Case Escape
(External site - opens in a new window)
Create your own phone cases (with equipment - this is not dropshipping!)